Dentists have been admonishing their patients to brush their teeth regularly for as long as the toothbrush has been in existence. However, according to SyFy Dvice, a new product promises a revolution in dental hygiene.
The new product is called the Blizzident and looks more like a mouth guard with bristles that a standard toothbrush with a handle that one moves in and around one’s teeth by hand or with electricity.
The way the Blizzident is created starts when a dentist takes a mold of one’s teeth. Then, using the mold as a model, 3D prints the Blizzident, which is perfectly conformed to one’s teeth, containing bristles positioned at a 45 degree angle across the teeth and gum line as well as some that can get in between the teeth.
One brushes by putting the Blizzident on and biting and releasing about ten to 15 times, for a total brushing time of about six seconds. “Blizzident promises elimination of all ‘user errors,’ ‘optimum plaque removal’ and ‘optimum protection of gums and tooth surfaces.’ Plus, only the ‘to-be-cleaned’ places in your mouth will be cleaned, along with your tongue, which should banish bad breath.”
There are some drawbacks to the Blizzident toothbrush. It costs $300 to custom make one and it only lasts a year, a large chunk of change compared to a plastic toothbrush and a year’s supply of toothpaste.
$300 a year may be a little steep just to cut down on one’s brushing time to six seconds. On the other hand, if the accuracy claims for the product is correct, it might cut down on the cost of dental work down the road. However some kind of long term study needs to take place to try to quantify the cost/benefit of using a Blizzident.
On the other hand, if the product comes into wide use, the cost should start to come down, making it more accessible to the general public.